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This post is more than 5 years old



January 28th, 2007 16:00

XPS 600 Blue Screen Errors

About a week ago, I chatted with support rep. re:  intermittent blue screens of death that were taking place on my system (XPS 600), and had been for the last 3 weeks to a month.  At the time, I hadn’t captured the stop error message.  I had run the Dell driver test with no errors.  I had checked to make sure that there were no updated drivers to be installed.  The system has always been protected by Virus software, and Norton is not detecting any viruses.  I’m also familiar with virus behavior, and I don’t believe I’m dealing with a virus – any that I have seen before.


He reviewed the minidump files and found no helpful information.


He downloaded to my system a memory test and burned it to a CD for me to run.  I ran the memory test.   I also ran the troubleshooting tests for blue screen errors which took about 24 hours to complete.   These all passed.  


He said that I had a lot items in my startup and were present in RAM, so I have been slowly turning off things that are not required.  


He asked about peripherals and setup:


I am on a small peer to peer Microsoft network, mainly for file sharing and printer sharing.   There is a cable modem with a router attached that the computers are connected to.  The machine that I’m on is an XPS 600.  The other machines are an HP laptop and another Dell Precision 450.   The printers are an HP Laserjet 1300, which is connected to the XPS 600 via a USB port and a Canon iP6700D that is connected to the Precision 450.


We have also experienced some blue screen errors on the Precision 450 that referenced the video driver.  


XP Professional is running on both machines.  SP2 is in installed on both machines.


Both machines have Norton Internet Security 2007.


Most recent changes:


The Canon was installed about a month ago, attached to the Precision machine.   However, I do have the Canon software installed on the XPS600.  I can use this through the peer to peer network.  I don’t remember problems immediately taking place after this install.  However, it may be a player.  


I installed the most recent version of Windows Media Player.


I have automatic updates turned on for both Norton and Windows.   So these install in the background frequently. 


The above changes are also true for the Dell Precision 450 machine, which is also experiencing blue screens. 


I have since captured the stop code:  0X000000C5.   I believe the first code is the most relevant, but I have the rest if you need it. 


The initial errors message said to test the drivers, and if necessary to enable special pools.  However, no specific reference to the offending component. 


I used Verifier.exe to test the drivers.  First, I tested all drivers, and that yielded a 0X000000C4, Device Driver attempting to corrupt the system has been caught.  The faulty driver on the kernel stack must be replaced with a working version.  However, I discovered that this is an error verifier.exe will yield if Norton is installed.  


I narrowed my test to unsigned drivers.  It passed the boot. 


I then selected all drivers except Norton/Symantec, and it passed the boot. 


I then downloaded the Microsoft Windows Support tools to get the gflags.exe program, so that I could turn on the pooling option.  I only downloaded the software and had not changed any settings yet. 


I then turned off all of the verifier.exe settings, and rebooted.  It bombed with a blue screen, with a 0X000000C5.  However, this time it identified when I reported it to Microsoft, I got new troubleshooting information:


Option 1:  Install the most current device driver for your video card. 

Option 2:  Manually decrease Hardware Acceleration for your video adapter.


Technical information:


Error Message:  Stop 0X000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078)


My only issue with Option 2 is that this system has been working flawlessly prior to this, so unless the video card has an incompatibility with the new Windows/Norton/Canon/Media Player software, the hardware itself should be compatible, and I did not want to degrade performance.


I executed gflags.exe, and I checked the enable pool tagging flag.


I did receive another error, the same as above once during the evening.  Same information related to the 0X000000EA above.  However, I now have activity in the Windows System Event Viewer:


Error code 100000c5, parameter1 00000004, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 8054afd2.


Other severe errors  or warnings in the Event Logs:




The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:



DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer SWEENEY2 using any of the configured protocols.




MiInstaller error (Lots of these)

Detection of product '{EBA09A1B-8D0A-4D65-BF5F-96186DAA6628}', feature 'CoreAssemblies' failed during request for component '{D2D7B4BF-6CCA-11D5-8B3F-00105A9846E9}'


Windows saved user SWEENEYXPS\Laurie Sweeney registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.


 This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.



So I think I have a lot more information, but I still have an unstable system.  It may be fine for a couple of days, and then crash.  Or I may wake up in the morning to a blue screen.


Anybody have any ideas?





150 Posts

January 29th, 2007 09:00

Error code 100000c5, parameter1 00000004, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 8054afd2
I had a problem with my system that Dell tech's worked on for two months, the error code above you had was the same as mine, they did not know what it was.
But the good news we tried something & it worked...... if you have a new video card put it in and try it, my video card was defective at times after it was replaced no new BSOD. it is worth a try...

15 Posts

February 4th, 2007 16:00

I am slowly uninstalling things one at a time.   Support wanted me to install the Canon printer.   I have uninstalled Itunes, followed by the Canon printer.  
The next thing I have done is turn off Norton Internet Security 2007.    So far so good.   I'm very suspicious of this, as it has automatic updates and I don't know what has been installed. 
I will report back, as it might help others - since this has been driving me NUTS!

15 Posts

February 24th, 2007 18:00

My system continued to degrade. 
New stop codes in addition to the 0X000000C5, were 0X0000007E, 0x0000008F, 0x000000EA.
I started noticing that if I turned the system off, then it would last longer before the stop code.   So I started to suspect heat.
The heat related tests within the Dell Diagnostics revealed fan errors on the low 1200 test. 
However, Dell replaced the motherboard and the RAM and so far this has corrected the blue screen errors.   Note, the fan has not been replaced.   The motherboard is what communicates with the fans to tell the system whether it is hot or not. 
So in the end it was hardware, not drivers.   Even though this is what the stop code was pointing to. 

1 Message

April 6th, 2007 02:00

I also experienced a similiar issue "Stop Error 0X000000EA STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078).
My particular issue would result when I tried to power down the XPS600. For reference, I have a 256mb 7900GS GPU. That was the only time I would see the BSOD. Begin Physical memory dump, etc etc.
In my particular case, I tried rolling back drivers, updating drivers both from Dell, and Nvidia. System Restore, memory tests 9several hours worth) produced no results. Over 3 hours on the telephone with Live Support did not help, although the techs were very supportive and really tried to help me.
My problem was remedied by going to Run/msconfig. Under the General tab I had changed the configurations. I changed it back to "Normal" and had no further problems powering down or restarting.
Hope this helps someone.
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