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This post is more than 5 years old


April 3rd, 2005 07:00

Dimension 4600 - Radeon 9700 Pro - Intel chipset

I'm having a little trouble here. You see, installing my ATi Radeon 9700 Pro into my Dell Dimension 4600i is giving me some troubles. Upon entering Windows XP Pro (SP1 -- tried with Home SP2 as well), the graphics ard completely messed up -- a complete discoloring, unbareable view.
Okay, so that didn't work. What about a fresh install? Sure, let me get my Windows XP disc out. Fresh install -- card worked fine. What? No AGP support? Well isn't that something...
See, I didn't install the Intel Chipset -- Intel 865G chipset, to be exact. Ooooh, better rush to install it, I thought. Did it, and upon installation of the chipset, the display was completely corrupted, just as it was before.
Okay, I thought. Let me do a fresh install and properly install the drivers (chipset, reboot, directx 9c, reboot, ati drivers, reboot). Nope. Same exact problem. I've tried older drivers to no avail. My motherboard BIOS is the latest one available (A12, and, of course, the only AGP option it has is Aperture).
Basically, I need some help. How can I get my card to function properly with AGP support? The only problem seems to be the Intel chipset. Is it a common problem (although I have searched thoroughly, I think, and found no answer)?
I really need to get this thing done, and I hope someone can help. Even if you're unsure but think something, please post it.

Message Edited by Nitemare on 04-03-2005 03:31 AM

1.1K Posts

April 3rd, 2005 12:00

Try a different video card.  If te problem goes away, you know your card has bit the dust.

6 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 18:00

It works with a nVidia GeForce 5200 FX (AGP 8x), which came with the system (I think).
However, like I said, the card works fine without the Intel chipset. Basically, you'[re saying that the AGP support has "bit the dust"? (I hope not. :()

Message Edited by Nitemare on 04-03-2005 02:17 PM



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August 16th, 2021 10:00

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