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April 24th, 2015 21:00

New 2015Alienware 17-R2: Moving OS from HDD to SSD


I gonna have a new alienware 17 R2 next month. It just has a 1TB HDD, I want to buy a SAMSUNG 850 EVO MZ-N5E120BW M.2 120GB SATA III Internal SSD online and use it for the OS and games. Since I don't get my new laptop yet, I have no idea if the new SSD will fit the new laptop. Further more, if I can get the right SSD for the new laptop, how can I move the original OS from HDD to the new SSD.

My targets are...

1. To get a new 120GB SSD can fit my new Alienware 17 R2.

2. To move the alienware original OS from HDD to SSD.

3. How to set the SSD as C:drive, D:drive and set the HDD as E:drive, F:drive, G:drive

It will be really helpful If I get any assistance. Thanks in advance.

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

April 28th, 2015 10:00

Hello Charlie Qu,

It should work according to those specifications. However, because it’s a third party hardware device, we cannot fully guarantee that it will work properly with this system. In order to make that drive your primary drive and install Windows on it, you would have to reinstall Windows and delete the existing partitions and create new partitions by selecting the SSD when it asks in which drive you want to install Windows on.

The 1TB can be used as the secondary drive for storage. When you finish installing Windows, you will notice the SSD will show up as drive C: and you can format the 1TB hard drive and assign a drive letter to it by using the disk management utility program. Click here to view an article from Microsoft which explains how to do this.  

327 Posts

May 2nd, 2015 15:00

its easy... i do it 2 weeks ago

1) create a recovery disk with alienrespawn, you can do it with a usb or a portable hard drive.

2) open the base panel.. easy 

then you can acces to the hard drive and the m.2 ssd slots... 

3) disconect the hard drive sata cable and take it off (conect the hard drive to a portable bay and later you can format all the disk like a USB) when you finish all the steps

4) put the m.2 ssd in the 1st slot ( te left slot). now dont close the base panel.

5) connect the (usb/cd/hard-drive) recovery media to a usb port of the left side

6)boot your system and press F12, then choose the recovery media, you will see the alien respawn image, and press next and let that the software make the job. you are goin to have a fresh and full drivers windows 8.1.

7) when the system start its like when you do the first boot, put your name and these things.

8) instert your hard drive with the portable bay ( look the example) below:

serch in windows: create and format hard disk partitions

insert the usb hard drive and do right click and select format the HHD (1tb i mean is your disk, like mine) when its done you can put the later do you want, like D or E 

it will be look like this:


i have to m.2 SSD and 1 tb hard drive, but dont forget that for the initial step you can only put 1 ssd, when all its done, you have to shut down windows, put the hard drive (conect it) and put the others m.2 SSD if you have more.  Mine is a alienware 15 and look like this:

i bougth 2 samsung 850 evo m.2 ( the better ssd you can get in m.2 format)

sorry for my bad english and i wish that my answer help you :)

2 Posts

April 29th, 2015 11:00


I just recently upgraded from a 1tb HDD to a 480 GB SSD. I tried to clone my HDD using free software found on the web. That did not work so well. It was beyond my capabilities to deal with all of the partitions and such. I found this program "Acronis" and it did cost $30.00, but it was worth it. The program took care of everything for me and I did not have to worry about partitions or anything. The program is also useful for other functions as well. Link below. 

If you elect to reload your operating system to the new drive you must have a purchased OS such as Windows 7 or 8 or whatever system you prefer. If the operating system  came pre-installed on your PC you will have to clone your HDD to the SSD.  As stated above you can try a freeware program and maybe you will have some luck. I was hesitant on purchasing Acronis, but I'm glad I did. Good luck.

86 Posts

May 2nd, 2015 09:00

Dell Backup and Recovery/Alienware Respawn will also work well for the factory image:

1 Message

December 17th, 2015 05:00

I've tried many times following your ways, but after I disconnect hhd, my Alienware 17 r3 just does not recognize the usb recovery made from Alienwarespawn. I don't know why?......

6 Posts

February 9th, 2016 04:00

zty123, did you ever sort this out?

I bought an Alienware 15 with 1GB HDD and 1GB SSD (PM951 NVMe Samsung 1024GB).  For reasons that can only be attributed to criminal insanity the PC was delivered with the OS on the HDD and a blank SSD.

I have now spent the last 5 days trying to install Win10 on the SSD (clean install from Win ISO file on USB).  It kept failing for all sorts of reasons but I finally managed to use diskpart to set a combination of disk format and partitions that Win was happy with.  The installation now goes all the way through until the restart.  This is where my problems start.

For reasons I cannot understand, it simply refuses to boot from the SSD.  If I leave the USB stick in, the installation starts all over again, if I take it out I get "Checking media presence" and then "No bootable devices" (I have physically disconnected the HDD).

The SSD is showing in the BIOS as "M.2 SSD-1 PM951 NVMe Samsung 1024GB".  If I run the Win installer and then uses Shift+F10 I can also access the SSD as drive C and see that there are Win files on it.  But I cannot get the BIOS to boot to the SSD.  I have tried all sorts of combinations now of Legacy and UEFI with and without Secure Boot and/or Load Legacy Option Rom.  I have installed everything with the SATA set to both RAID and to ACHI.  I have kissed the machine, I have punished it, I have asked for forgiveness and given it flowers and chocolate.  And still the *** will not boot to SSD.

I just cannot understand how it can show in BIOS and I can see the files on the drive from command line, but I cannot get it to boot.  Please, please help me.  I am on the brink and the only thing that has kept me alive is that I am on the ground floor and thus jumping from the balcony only looks silly, really.

327 Posts

February 9th, 2016 11:00

change the sata operation in BIOS to AHCI or RAID and try again . 

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