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This post is more than 5 years old


November 18th, 2016 15:00

Alienware 17 (2014) Shutting down while gaming

My system has been shutting down whenever I game. I thought I may have been overheating, and even redid my paste on cpu/gpu and monitored temps with HWiNFO while gaming. But temps show nothing out of the ordinary. 

This started after a long session of BF1, when my system shutdown while gaming, and it was pretty hot at the time. Thats why I went and redid my paste. However, it now does it even when I barely use my gpu.

I am of the mind it may be the battery, as after it shuts down I can not boot right away. Lights will flash, but then nothing. I have to let it sit for a minute or two before it powers back on, and it will NOT power on without the power cable plugged in.

Just want to know if I may be missing something that I have not tried, I will order a new battery when I get the chance and see if that works.

Running fresh windows 10, everything updated as far as I can tell. 

I have run every diagnostic test I can find on the dell website, and all test pass.

sfc /scan also passed

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

November 21st, 2016 10:00


What are the CPU and GPU temperatures?

Also, when you experience the shutdown issue with the computer, are you running the PC on battery power only or with ac/adapter plugged in?

7 Posts

November 21st, 2016 13:00

Tried running a game with just battery, first time I ran it I got my first ever BSOD, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. After the reboot, I tried again and the game ran ok for 10min, but my battery dropped from 100% to about 60%. Not realy feasible to game on my battery. Also, being on battery I get bad frame rate, and cant play any gpu heavy games. Could the issue be the PSU?

7 Posts

November 21st, 2016 13:00

I am on AC power, and temps are less then 50c gpu/cpu. It shuts down before I realy start to game. As soon as the GPU kicks in, the system loses power. I have run a stress test on cpu, and it gets to about 78c but no issues at all. I can less intense games just fine using the integrated card.

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

November 22nd, 2016 11:00


Check if the AC Adapter is being recognized in the BIOS (F2) and also try running a video card stress test. Follow the steps below to do this.

  • Open Support Assist
  • Click on the Checkup option
  • Click Run Custom Scan
  • Click on the Nvidia/AMD card
  • Select the Stress Test option

If you do not have Support Assist installed, let me know how high the GPU temperature goes in the stress test. 


7 Posts

November 22nd, 2016 12:00

I have run that test before, and I went ahead and ran it again. Test passed on the 880m GPU, with temps of 66c - 71c.

BIOS does see the 240w adaptor plugged in.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 25th, 2016 16:00

Since you are running out of options (getting down to things like hardware failure) ...

You mentioned battery ... Maybe it is like this battery trouble.

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

November 25th, 2016 16:00

Try updating the BIOS to the latest. Let me know!

7 Posts

November 25th, 2016 21:00

Not sure how I would test that particular issue. Running on battery automatically limits power use, which defeats the purpose of using the non integrated GPU in the first place.

I've tried to run the laptop without the battery but that does not seem to work, which is aggravating. (That would tell me right away if it was a battery issue).

Since a new battery is about $60, i'll go ahead i buy a new one when i get a chance. Ill have a spare is its not the problem anyway.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

November 25th, 2016 22:00

1. Not sure how I would test that particular issue. Running on battery automatically limits power use, which defeats the purpose of using the non integrated GPU in the first place.


2. I've tried to run the laptop without the battery but that does not seem to work, which is aggravating. (That would tell me right away if it was a battery issue).


3. Since a new battery is about $60, i'll go ahead i buy a new one when i get a chance. Ill have a spare is its not the problem anyway.


1. No. That thread is a user only running on AC-Power. Looks like the battery (which they weren't really using) was causing the trouble. And even then, just how the battery was being charged.
2. Interesting, but not all that surprising.
3. As you wish

5 Posts

March 12th, 2017 16:00

Lordfrz I am having the exact same issue. Did the replacement battery work for you? Many thanks.

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