
Dell APEX Subscriptions Terms

Please note that different terms and conditions apply to different Dell APEX offerings. These terms are applicable only to the Dell APEX Subscriptions offerings. For information on other Dell APEX offerings, contact your Dell sales representative.
  1. APEX Subscriptions Schedule to the Commercial Terms of Sale

    For purchases of the Dell APEX Subscriptions from Dell for internal use and for cloud solution providers (CSP partners), the APEX Subscriptions Schedule to the Commercial Terms of Sale apply.

  2. APEX Subscriptions Schedule Partner

    For Resellers and Distributors purchasing the Dell APEX Subscriptions, the APEX Subscriptions Schedule (Partner) applies.

  3. APEX Subscriptions Terms for Partner End Users

    For end users of Resellers and Distributors purchasing Dell APEX Subscriptions, the APEX Subscriptions Terms for Partner End Users applies.

  4. APEX Subscriptions Schedule (Partner)

    APEX Subscriptions Schedule (Partner)

  5. APEX Subscriptions Schedule to Commercial Terms of Sale

    APEX Subscriptions Schedule to Commercial Terms of Sale

  6. APEX Subscriptions Schedule Partner – U.S. Public

    For Resellers and Distributors purchasing APEX Subscriptions for resale to United States Public Customers, the APEX Subscriptions Schedule (Partner – U.S. Public) applies.

  7. APEX Subscriptions Agreement for U.S. Public

    APEX Subscriptions Agreement for U.S. Public

  8. APEX Subscriptions Terms for Partner End Users – U.S. Public

    For United States Public End Users of Resellers and Distributors purchasing Dell APEX Subscriptions, Resellers and Distributors will provide these terms to the U.S. Public End Users.

  9. APEX Subscriptions Terms for Partner End Users

    APEX Subscriptions Terms for Partner End Users