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Connectrix Brocade B-Series: How to recover password with secure boot that is enabled on Gen6 and Gen7 switches (nondirector)

摘要: This password recovery procedure supports the Secure Boot-enabled Brocade G620 Switch (Type 183), Brocade G630 Switch (Type 184), and Brocade G720 Switch.

本文适用于 本文不适用于 本文并非针对某种特定的产品。 本文并非包含所有产品版本。


This procedure recovers and resets ALL passwords to default, for recovery of admin and user password. Log in as root, and check the command guide for the correct command.

  • Read this procedure in full before proceeding, to ensure understanding of the activity.
  • This procedure is a disruptive process as it requires the switch to be rebooted.
  1. Establish a connection to the serial port of the switch using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Power-cycle the device, and press the ESC key when prompted. Then enter option "2."
Secure Boot allows bootup of the system only if a valid digital signature is present on the platform.
Secure Boot Mode Enabled, System in Trusted State

Hit ESC to stop autoboot : 0
1) Start system.
2) Enter command shell.
  1. Enter "sboot single" to boot the system in single-user mode. The reboot looks similar to the following:
sboot single
Contact your support provider to obtain the password reset key using the following Request Code:
Enter the supplied verification string.
Recovery Code: 
  1. Send the request code to the support team to get the verification string.
  2. Enter the verification string received from the support team to boot in single-user mode.
Note: Each request code with its corresponding verification string can be used only once. The switch keeps prompting if the recovery code is incorrect. 

Enter the supplied verification string.
Recovery Code: 4WCzXXXXXXX5D1.vXLW/iw==
Re-enter Recovery Code: 4WCzXXXXXXX5D1.vXLW/iw==
  1. Run the system initialization script, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.sysinit." 
sh-4.3# /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.sysinit     
e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
/dev/sda1: clean, 5851/59136 files, 84801/236328 blocks
Filesystem check /dev/sda1 done
e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
/dev/sda2: recovering journal
Setting free inodes count to 53408 (was 53409)
Setting free blocks count to 158187 (was 158189)
/dev/sda2: clean, 5600/59008 files, 77845/236032 blocks
Filesystem check /dev/sda2 done
FIPS mode disabled, so skipping firmware integrity check
Bypassing firmware validation.
---------mounting ramfs-------------------
root=/dev/sda1 rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,9600 rootdelay=5 pcie_ports=native quiet single quiet
########Installing SWXXX81 libhil
mknod: '/mnt/dev/platform': File exists
mknod: '/mnt/dev/null': File exists
  1. Enter the "/sbin/passwddefault" command to reset all passwords to their default values.
sh-4.3# /sbin/passwddefault 
Warning! All user(s) and password configuration will be reset to factory default.
      Do you want to continue? [y/n] :y
RASLOG module initialization failed rc=-1
fabosInit error: -1
RASLOG module initialization failed rc=-1
fabosInit error: -1
RASLOG module initialization failed rc=-1
fabosInit error: -1
RASLOG module initialization failed rc=-1
fabosInit error: -1
Raslog Module Initialization failed rc=-1
fabsys device openopen: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
fabsys device open: No such file or directory
All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
sysmodAttach open failed: No such file or directory
Logging out all the sessions of user genericmsg

Note: The error messages preceding the bold output are expected.
  1. Enter "/sbin/reboot -f" to reboot the switch.
sh-4.3# /sbin/reboot -f
  1. Once the switch has completed rebooting, use a telnet, serial, or SSH connection to log in as admin to the switch and set new passwords for all accounts.
  2. Following the password recovery, if the root account is required, it must be enabled with the "userconfig" command, and the interfaces configured with the "rootaccess" command.
BR-G720-2XXXX9:FIXXX8:admin> userconfig --change root -e yes

BR-G720-2XXXX9:FIXXX8:admin> rootaccess --set all
Changing root access permission will terminate existing sessions.
Please confirm to proceed (yes, y, no, n): [no] y


Connectrix DS-7720B, Connectrix DS 6620B, Connectrix DS 6630B
文章编号: 000194031
文章类型: How To
上次修改时间: 13 8月 2022
版本:  3