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How to Uninstall Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Mac

Sammanfattning: Learn how to uninstall Dell Endpoint Security Suite for Mac by following these instructions.

Den här artikeln gäller för Den här artikeln gäller inte för Den här artikeln är inte kopplad till någon specifik produkt. Alla produktversioner identifieras inte i den här artikeln.



Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Mac may be uninstalled for:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Product incompatibility
  • Third-party product conflicts

Affected Products:

  • Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Mac

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Mac

Click the appropriate product versioning of either v1401 and Later or v1391 for the uninstall process. For versioning information, reference How to Identify the Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise Version.

v1401 and Later

Note: For information about obtaining the installer, reference How to Download Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.
  1. Double-click the Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise-[VERSION]-Release.dmg to mount the installer.
    Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
    Note: [VERSION] represents the installer version variable.
  2. Double-click Utilities.
  3. Double-click Uninstall Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.
    Uninstall Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. To confirm uninstall, populate the Username and Password of a local administrator. Once populated, click OK.
    Administrator credential prompt
  6. Click OK.
    Successful uninstall confirmation
    Note: If a failure is encountered during uninstall, reference How to Collect Logs for Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.


Note: For information about obtaining the installer, reference How to Download Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.
  1. Search using Spotlight for Uninstall DellAdvancedThreatProtection.
    Spotlight search
  2. Double-click Uninstall DellAdvancedThreatProtection.
    Uninstall DellAdvancedThreatProtection
  3. Click Yes to confirm uninstall of DellAdvancedThreatProtection.
    Uninstall confirmation
  4. To confirm uninstall, populate the Username and Password of a local administrator. Once populated click OK.
    Administrator credential prompt
  5. Uninstall is complete. No restart is required.
    Note: If a failure is encountered during uninstall, reference How to Collect Logs for Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise.

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Berörda produkter

Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
Artikelnummer: 000125465
Artikeltyp: How To
Senast ändrad: 04 nov. 2024
Version:  17
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