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How to Install McAfee Small Business Security from Dell

Zhrnutie: This article covers how to download and install McAfee Small Business Security that is purchased from Dell.

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Affected Products:

  • McAfee Small Business Security

A McAfee Small Business Security subscription can be purchased with a Dell consumer or commercial computer.

Note: For more information about changing your McAfee subscription, reference How to Cancel or Renew Your McAfee Subscription Purchased at Dell.

Click either New Setup or Reinstall for the appropriate installation directions.

New Setup

Warning: These steps are intended for customers who have never activated McAfee Small Business Security. Reference the Reinstall section if you previously registered an account with McAfee.

McAfee Small Business Security may be preinstalled with your Dell computer. To confirm if the product is preinstalled, click Show hidden icons and then locate the McAfee Small Business Security - PC Security icon.
McAfee Small Business - PC Security icon

Click either Preinstalled or Not Installed for the appropriate setup instructions.


  1. In the Windows Notification Area, click Show hidden icons and then double-click McAfee Small Business - PC Security.
    McAfee Small Business - PC Security icon
  2. In the product user interface (UI), click Set up.
    Set up button
  3. Accept the McAfee End User License Agreement.
    McAfee End User License Agreement
  4. Populate an Email to associate to the McAfee Small Business Security subscription and then click Continue.
    McAfee Small Business Security prompting for an email address
  5. Click Create Password.
    Create Password
    Note: If the Email (Step 4) already has a McAfee account, the UI requests the account’s password instead of creating a password.
  6. On password creation, click OK.
    McAfee confirming password creation

Not installed

  1. In the Windows Start Menu, search and then click Dell Digital Delivery.
    Dell Digital Delivery
  2. In the user interface (UI), click Download.
    Download option for McAfee Small Business in Dell Digital Delivery.
  3. In the Windows Notification Area, click Show hidden icons and then double-click McAfee Small Business - PC Security.
    McAfee Small Business - PC Security icon
  4. In the product UI, click Set up.
    Set up button
  5. Accept the McAfee End User License Agreement.
    McAfee End User License Agreement
  6. Populate an Email to associate to the McAfee Small Business Security subscription and then click Continue.
    McAfee Small Business Security prompting for an email address
  7. Click Create Password.
    Create Password
    Note: If the Email (Step 6) already has a McAfee account, the UI requests the account's password instead of creating a password.
  8. On password creation, click OK.
    McAfee confirming password creation


Note: An active McAfee Small Business Security subscription is required to install the product.
  1. Go to https://www.mcafee.comThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
  2. In the upper right, click Login.
  3. Sign in using your McAfee account.
    McAfee sign in screen
    • A McAfee account is generated during the initial setup of a McAfee subscription.
    • For issues accessing your McAfee account:
      • Validate the email that is used is tied to a McAfee subscription.
      • To protect your privacy, Dell technical support is unable to validate the email used to setup the McAfee subscription. Contact the vendor directly for assistance at https://service.mcafee.comThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
  4. Click Downloads & devices.
    McAfee downloads and devices
  5. From the drop-down menu, select McAfee Small Business Security and then click Download.
    McAfee Small Business Security download
  6. Click Agree and Download.
    McAfee license agreement
  7. On download, double-click McAfee_Installer_[BUILD NUMBER].exe.
    Note: [BUILD NUMBER] = Serial Number
  8. In the installation wizard, click Install.
    Install button
  9. On installation, click Done.
    Installation confirmation
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000193765
Typ článku: How To
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 17 feb 2025
Verzia:  18
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