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Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage will be retired on June 1, 2016

Zhrnutie: Learn more about the retirement of Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage.

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Table of Contents:

  1. What is happening to Dell Backup and Recovery's Cloud Backup feature?
  2. How long will my data be available on Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Backup?
  3. What happens to my data after I no longer have access to my Cloud Storage account?
  4. Do you recommend any other backup options?
  5. Can I keep my existing Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage account?
  6. Can I get a refund if I cancel my account prior to expiration?

This article discusses the retirement of Dell Backup and Recovery's Cloud Backup feature, as well as frequently asked questions regarding the retirement.


What is happening to Dell Backup and Recovery's Cloud Backup feature?

The "Cloud Backup" feature of Dell Backup and Recovery will be retired on June 1, 2016.

Notifications will be provided at 30, 14 and 1 days prior to the expiration date of your subscription, providing detailed instructions for downloading data saved in your cloud account.


How long will my data be available on Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Backup?

Your data will be available to you up until your Cloud Account subscription expires.

Email communications notifying of the service change will be sent to subscribers before Cloud Storage subscriptions expire at 30 Days, 14 Days and 1 Day prior to the subscription expiration. The email communications will be sent to the email address that is associated to the Cloud Storage subscription purchase. This is the same email address used when the Cloud Storage subscription was purchased.


What happens to my data after I no longer have access to my Cloud Storage account?

After June 21st, 2016 the Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage service will be discontinued and no access will be provided. All stored data will be securely erased and purged from the Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage system.



Do you recommend any other backup options?

No recommendation has been identified at this time. Please visit for more information.



Can I keep my existing Dell Backup and Recovery Cloud Storage account?

No. Dell is discontinuing this program. You will be able to maintain your account until its current expiration date.



Can I get a refund if I cancel my account prior to expiration?

While you will not be able to renew your contract for an additional term, you are welcome to use your account for the full term of your current contract. If the date of your account expiration is later than the May 31st, 2016 date, you will receive a refund for your unused portion of your subscription. Customers whose accounts expire after the May 31st, 2016 date will receive an email with detailed information about refunds and discontinuation dates to the email address the account was created with.






Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000147568
Typ článku: Solution
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 29 aug 2024
Verzia:  5
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