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Enable or disable Game mode for specific apps in Windows 10

Resumo: how to enable or disable the Game mode for a specific game in Windows 10.

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This article will provide information on how to enable or disable the Game mode for a specific game in Windows 10.

Enable or disable Game mode for specific apps in Windows 10.

NOTE: You must be running Windows 10 version 1703 or later to enable and use the built-in Game mode. To check your version, type Winver.exe in Start/taskbar search and then press Enter key.
  1. Open the game or app which you want to enable or disable the Game mode.

  2. Once the game or app is running, Press the Windows logo and G keys to reveal the game bar.
    If you see a dialog with a "Do you want to open the Game bar?" message, check the Yes, this is a game option to see the game bar.

    NOTE: If the game bar doesn’t open, it’s likely because it’s turned off in Settings.


  3. Click on the settings (gear icon) to open the Game bar settings.

    (Figure 1.0: Sample Game)

  4. Under the General tab, check Use game mode for this game option to enable the Game mode in the current app. Uncheck the option to disable the Game mode for the current game.

    (Figure 2.0: Game Mode Option)

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Propriedades do artigo
Número do artigo: 000128618
Tipo de artigo: Solution
Último modificado: 31 mar. 2023
Versão:  4
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