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ECS: How to find out the serial number of an ECS

Samenvatting: This knowledgebase article shows you how to find out the serial number of an ECS.

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How to find out the serial number of an ECS.
  1. Log in to any ECS node using SSH as admin account, and then run CLI command line "sudo xdoctor --vdc --top | grep PSNT." It shows the ECS SN. The output looks like the below:

# sudo xdoctor --vdc --top | grep PSNT
   |  |- Local RACK - Name:[red] Master:[] PSNT:[CKM0019080XXXX] SWID:[ELMFDJKK9CXXXX]

  1. Log in to the ECS management Web UI, click Settings > Licensing, to check VDC Serial Number column.

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