NMC UI Monitoring displays a job's timestamp in the date format as mm/dd/yyyy and time in 12-hour format.
Figure 1: NMC Job's Timestamp Showing in Incorrect Format
In the operating system, the Country and Region are set to Hungary and the Regional format is set to Hungarian, while the Language setting is set to UK English.
The operating system setting on the NMC server is still in English locale. NMC reads the locale using the Locale.getDefault() API and hence, it is not honoring the date and time settings specific to the Hungary region.
Update the locale to match the Region's locale (in this case the Region is Hungary).
- In the Windows Search bar, search for Date & time format. The Window below opens. Click Language.
Figure 2: Windows Search bar > Date & time > Language
- Click Add a Language.
Figure 3: Click Add a Language.
- Select Hungarian and Install.
Figure 4: Install Hungarian (Magyar) Language.
- Launch the NetWorker Management Console. The timestamps on the NMC > Monitoring jobs now shows the Regional date and time format.
해당 제품
NetWorker Family, NetWorker Series