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Precision 5820 Tower, Precision 7820 Tower, Precision 7920 Tower NVMe Drives Do Not Work in Legacy Mode

요약: The NVMe Drives do not work in Legacy Mode on the Precision 5820 Tower, Precision 7820 Tower, and Precision 7920 Tower.

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문서 콘텐츠


NVMe Drives disappear or do not work when in Legacy Mode.

Affected Platforms

  • Precision 5820 Tower
  • Precision 7820 Tower
  • Precision 7920 Tower


The Intel Volume Management Device (VMD) Technology (also known as Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU or vROC) does not support Legacy Mode. These drives will only show up attached to the controller when in UEFI Mode.


Go into BIOS and disable the VMD controllers so that the platform uses the native NVMe controllers and NVMe Drivers on the operating system.

  1. Boot into BIOS setup
  2. Navigate to System Configuration an Intel VMD Technology and change the computer from Auto to Disabled and clear all the PCIE boxes on the same page (Figure 1).
    System Configuration

    Figure 1: System Configuration

  3. Click apply, OK, and then Exit.

Hot plug would no longer be supported on these drives when used in this mode.

문서 속성

영향을 받는 제품

Precision 5820 Tower, Precision 7820 Tower, Precision 7920 Tower

마지막 게시 날짜

02 10월 2023



문서 유형
