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KM7321W Wireless Keyboard and Mouse - Shift, Control Key and Mouse Scroll Failure on Resume From Sleep

概要: This article describes an issue where the Shift, Control Key and Mouse Scroll Fail on the Dell KM7321W wireless keyboard and mouse after the system resumes from sleep.

この記事は次に適用されます:   この記事は次には適用されません: 


Customers may encounter failed Typematic functions (Shift and Control Key with mouse scroll function) on KM7321W wireless keyboard and mice. This issue occurs after the system resumes from sleep mode.

Specific symptoms include:
  1. If the user presses and holds the Ctrl key and then scrolls the Scroll wheel on the mouse, the zoom-in/out function will not work. This occurs upon the first time combo is pressed when the keyboard has not used for at least 40sec following wakeup from Sleep mode. Second time pressed will work as normal.
  2. If the user presses and holds the Shift key in MS Excel and clicks on the mouse button on a different cell to select a range of cells, the select range function will not work. This occurs upon the first time combo is pressed when the keyboard has not used for at least 40sec following wakeup from Sleep mode. Second time pressed will work as normal.


Legacy firmware revisions (prior to version 1.3.1) fail to complete the Typematic recognition sequence during wakeup.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps: 
  1. Download and install Dell Peripheral Manager.
  2. Update the firmware of the KM7321W to version 1.3.1 (or above). 


Dell Premier Multi Device Wireless Keyboard and Mouse KM7321W
文書番号: 000187722
文書の種類: Solution
最終更新: 14 9月 2021
バージョン:  2
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