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NVP-vProxy: How to use health check tool ProxyHC on vProxy appliance

概要: Utility provides an automated, efficient, and human readable way to perform first-step or basic self-diagnostic for vProxy appliance.

この記事は次に適用されます:   この記事は次には適用されません: 


Utility provides an automated, efficient, and human readable way to perform first-step or basic self-diagnostic for vProxy appliance. The ProxyHC utility can be copied to the vProxy and run from the NetWorker Troubleshooting.

The ProxyHC utility is not included on the vProxy by default. The ProxyHC utility can be downloaded from the following support tools page: https://central.dell.com/solutions/Networker-Tools

NOTE:This uses your Dell support site credentials. For internal Dell employees, this uses your corp credentials.

The utility can be copied using the following methods:


  • WinSCP:
    • Host: vProxy Hostname
    • Protocol: SCP
    • Username: admin
      NOTE: root login over SSH is typically blocked by default)
    • Path: /home/admin/
  • Windows Server 2019 (and later) has SCP command line capabilities:
    • scp ProxyHC admin@vProxyHostname:/home/admin/ProxyHC

How to Use:

1. Connect to the vProxy appliance using SSH, log in as admin.
2. Switch to root user:
sudo su -
3. Make ProxyHC executable:
chmod +x /home/admin/ProxyHC

4. Run ProxyHC:
/home/admin/ProxyHC flags
my-vproxy:/home/admin # /home/admin/ProxyHC vCenter --help
usage: ProxyHC vCenter [-h] --name NAME --user USER [--pwd PWD] [--vm VM]
                       [--nsruser NSRUSER] [--nsrpwd NSRPWD]
                       [--nsrauthc NSRAUTHC] [--allproxies ALLPROXIES]
                       [--DDhost DDHOST]

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    auth                test authentication against vCenter server
    port                check open ports to ESXi hosts in cluster and data
                        domain systems
    perm                check vCenter access permissions
    disk                check & release extra disks from vProxy
    hotadd              check for hotadd access to provided VM
    migration           check vCenter for stale migration locks
    listsession         print login session list to log
    annotation          check vCenter for stale backup locks(annotations)
    cleanup             remove left over artifacts(extra disks,
                        locks/annotations) and find migration locks.
    kb524127            check for invalid state of vProxy VM
    all                 All vCenter tools(combination of port, perm and
    layout              check for description of files that make up VM
    tasks               check orphaned tasks in vCenter
    datastore           look for datastores with unsupported names
    vmsnapchain         check if any protected VM has excessive child disks
    vmdisksize          check if any protected VM has irregular disk size i.e.
                        trailing .5 KB
    termsoapsession     terminate soap session to vCenter from NWS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           hostname of the vCenter server
  --user USER           user name for login to vCenter server
  --pwd PWD             password for login to vCenter server
  --vm VM               DNS name of VM(as shown in vSphere)
  --nsruser NSRUSER     user name for login to NetWorker server
  --nsrpwd NSRPWD       password for login to NetWorker server
  --nsrauthc NSRAUTHC   Remote AuthC server
  --allproxies ALLPROXIES
                        specify to do work on peer vProxies registered
  --DDhost DDHOST       provide DD IP/hostname for port connectivity tests

5. The log file is generated under /tmp/proxy-hc.log.



