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Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3 Screen Tearing While Playing Games

Yhteenveto: This article explains how to fix screen tearing on the Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3.

Tämä artikkeli on saatettu kääntää automaattisesti. Jos sinulla on palautetta sen laadusta, ilmoita siitä meille käyttämällä tämän sivun alareunassa olevaa lomaketta.

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Alienware 15 R2 and 17 R3 Screen Tearing While Playing Games




Supported Systems:

  Alienware 15 R2   Alienware 17 R3

What is happening?

Some games show a line distortion especially when making sudden or fast movements. The screen appears to be "sliced" when sudden quick moves are done.


   No cause information


  1. Download and install the latest video driver for your system

    You may go to NVIDIA or AMD Drivers Site for the latest drivers

    If you experience issues with the above drivers, please go to our Drivers & Downloads Page

  2. Enable Vertical sync (V-Sync) from the graphics settings menu in your game

    • Your game may require to set the V-Sync Setting to Every Second VBlank or Continuous.
    • If your game gives you more options or options different than the options described on this article, you may try all of them to find the right setting for your game.
  3. Enable Vertical Sync from NVIDIA Control Panel

    • Right click your Desktop
    • Click NVIDIA Control Panel
    • On the left menu, under 3D Settings click Manage 3D Settings
    • Click the Global Settings tab
    • Select Vertical sync and set it to On
    • Click Apply and exit the NVIDIA Control Panel

Solution Applied to Kerbal Space Program

  1. This is an example of the problem


  2. Access the game settings


  3. Look for the V-Sync menu

  4. Set V-Sync to Every Second VBlank


Use NVIDIA GeForce Experience to Optimize your games

If you have an NVIDIA card download and install the NVIDIA GeForce Experience to keep your game settings and drivers up to date.

For more information visit

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Tuote, johon asia vaikuttaa

Alienware 15 R2, Alienware 17 R3

Edellinen julkaisupäivä

08 kesäk. 2024



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