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How to determine the factory installed Operating System of your Dell system

Resumen: Find the factory installed operating system on your Dell computer at Dell's Support Website.

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This article provides the steps to determine the factory installed Operating System of your Dell system.

Factory Installed operating system.

Dell provides technical support for the Factory Installed operating system according to the service agreement of the system.

You can determine the factory installed operating system by visiting the Dell Support Website, enter the Service Tag number of your system & click the Submit button (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Enter the Service Tag for your Dell system
Then click the System Configuration link & click Components under the Original Configuration tab and scroll down to see the Operating System line (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Find the Operating System line under the list of Components

If you need further assistance with your Dell Product, please contact Dell Technical Support.

Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000122232
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 13 feb 2024
Versión:  4
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