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PowerProtect: DM5500 An additional 12TB is available when capacity is expanded with 2 enclosures

Resumen: For the PowerProtect Data Manager Appliance DM5500 with 2 enclosures, the "Filesys Expand" widget in the UI shows "Installed Hardware Capacity" as 204 TB, but the maximum available active tier license capacity with 2 enclosures is 192 TB. ...

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  • For an appliance with 2 enclosures, the maximum active tier license is 192TB
  • If one were to apply the full capacity license for 2 enclosures, the UI shows an additional 12TB available for expansion
  • This can become confusing as it gives the impression that the system can still be expanded with the additional 12TB without purchasing an additional enclosure. 
Expand Capacity screen


This is a code issue.


A fix is in the works to return the correct capacity during enclosure expansion. The "Installed Hardware Capacity" label will also be changed to "Usable Capacity" in the next release that has the fix. The release date is still TBD. 

See table below for the supported licensed capacities when additional enclosures are attached to the DM5500 appliance. 
Supposed license capacity
Capacity Points

Productos afectados

PowerProtect DM5500


PowerProtect Data Manager Appliance
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000219227
Tipo de artículo: Solution
Última modificación: 09 oct 2024
Versión:  3
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