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NetWorker: Backup Fails with "Authentication error; why = Server rejected credential"

Resumen: Backup Fails with "Authentication error; why = Server rejected credential" due to Peer information issues on Storage Node.

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Backup fails with error:
RPC Authentication: Client failed to obtain RPCSEC_GSS credentials: Authentication error; why = Server rejected credential

NSR Peer information cleared for NetWorker Server and NetWorker client but error persists.


Peering certificates are stored on each NetWorker system. Problems with Peer information between the NetWorker client, Storage Node, and/or NetWorker server will cause this error.


When clearing NSR Peer information be sure to clear Clients peer information from all the clients peers listed, including Storage Nodes.

1. Open an admin or root command prompt on the client system and run: 
nsradmin -C -y -p nsrexecd "nsr peer information"
NOTE: This command looks for any peer mismatches and attempt to correct them; review the output and make note of any systems where it failed to make corrections. This requires deleting the peer information manually from nsradmin prompt. This same command can be run on any systems that are returned in the command output to flush the peer certificates on each corresponding system.

2, a. To manually delete peer information, run the following from an admin or root command prompt on the system:
nsradmin -p nsrexec
nsradmin> p type: nsr peer information; name: client_name
nsradmin> delete

b. nsradmin can also be ran remotely from any NetWorker system by using the -s remote_host option:
nsradmin -s server_name -p nsrexec
nsradmin> p type: nsr peer information; name: client_name
nsradmin> delete
NOTE: Replace the server_name and client_name with the values that were returned in the nsradmin -C output. This should match the exact entries of the server and client configuration in NetWorker.

The next time NetWorker communication is established between the systems, new peering information and certificates will be generated automatically.

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Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000203002
Tipo de artículo: Solution
Última modificación: 21 feb 2023
Versión:  8
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