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How to Uninstall Wyse Management Suite (Private Cloud)

Resumen: Learn about how to uninstall Wyse Management Suite (Private Cloud) by following these instructions.

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Wyse Management Suite (WMS) may be uninstalled to:

  • Troubleshoot the product.
  • Address operating system incompatibility.
  • Migrate the server.

This article covers the steps to uninstall the product.

Affected Products:

  • Wyse Management Suite

Affected Versions:

  • v4.4.211 and later

Caution: Ensure that all users are logged out of Wyse Management Suite before uninstalling.
  1. As an administrator, right-click the Windows start menu and then click Run.
  2. In the Run UI, type appwiz.cpl and then press OK.
    Run UI
  3. In Programs and Features, double-click Dell Wyse Management Suite.
    Programs and Features
  4. With Remove selected, optionally clear the checkbox for Preserve WMS local repository data and then click Next.
    Remove Wyse Management Suite
  5. Click Finish.

Productos afectados

Wyse Management Suite
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000126030
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 12 jul 2024
Versión:  6
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