To update HDD/SSD firmware through a MD3060e Storage Enclosure using the Dell Storage Enclosure Management Software, please follow the steps below:
- Download the latest firmware package for the specific drive from
- Stop all I/O between the server and the attached enclosure(s) containing the drive(s) for the update.
- Run the following command:
secli update drive -a=<(SASAddress | AdapterIndex)> -enc=<(WWN | EnclIndex)> -w=<DrawerIndex> -d=<(WWN | EnclosureSlotIndex)> -file=<FW.FilePath>
- The command will return an indication of success or failure.
If the firmware file path contains spaces, enclose the filepath in quotes ("") e.g. –file="C:\My Files\my firmware.fwh"
Only firmware files with the ".fwh" extension are supported for updating hard drives using the secli.