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Data Domain: DD3300 6900 9400 9900 Platform Flea Drain BMC Reset Procedure

Summary: This article provides instructions on how to perform a flea drain (legacy BMC reset) on Dell PowerEdge Platforms.

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This article serves as a How-To guide for resolving multiple issues that require a flea drain (BMC reset) on our DD3300/DD6400/DD6900/DD9400/DD9900 Platforms.

Applies To:

  • Data Domain Appliance DD3300/DD6400/DD6900/DD9400/DD9900
  • All Software versions

iDRAC Remote Flea Drain Procedure:

Note: These steps simulate having AC power removed from the system; DO NOT send an FE to site for a Flea Drain.
  1. Log in to the iDRAC console.

  2. Go to Configuration.

  3. Click BIOS Settings.
    iDRAC UI BIOS settings menu

  4. Scroll and select Miscellaneous Settings.
    Miscellaneous Settings

  5. Select Power Cycle Request.

  6. Change the value to Full Power Cycle.

  7. Proceed with Apply and Reboot to proceed with the remote flea drain.

  8. Monitor the job cycle using the virtual console.

    NOTE: iDRAC connection is lost during the remote flea drain.

    This can also be done using the following RACADM CLI commands:

    racadm set BIOS.MiscSettings.PowerCycleRequest FullPowerCycle
    racadm jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1

Alternative: Manual Flea Drain Procedure:

Note: Dell Support DO NOT send a Field Engineer to site to perform these actions.
  1. Power the Data Domain down gracefully.
  2. Disconnect the server from all power and network cables.
  3. Hold down the power button continuously for at least 10 s.
  4. Insert power and network cables back to the system.
  5. Wait 2 minutes before powering on the server to give the iDRAC time to initialize.
  6. Power the system on.


Affected Products

DD3300 Appliance, DD6900 Appliance, DD9400 Appliance, DD9900 Appliance


Data Domain, Data Domain
Article Properties
Article Number: 000194110
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024
Version:  9
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