This article provides an overview of how to use the Avamar Administrator console to configure email notifications for backup failures.
The information in this article is intended for customers, partners, and Dell EMC Professional Services or Delivery personnel. It assumes that readers are familiar with the use of the Avamar interface and can identify and troubleshoot issues relating to SMTP servers.
Dell EMC Support does not implement or assist end users or partners with the configuration of notifications as described here. If firsthand assistance is required to get the functionality working in an environment, contact the Dell EMC account manager to request a Professional Services engagement.
- On the Avamar Utility Node, check that the Avamar Administrator MCS configuration file 'mcserver.xml' contains the correct 'smtpHost' value in order that email messages will be successfully routed.
For more information, see the System Administrator Guide section "Automatic notifications to EMC Customer Support" for instructions on how to check and correct the 'smtpHost' setting.
- In the Avamar Administrator, go to Tools > Manage Profiles.
Create a profile. This should be present in the root domain if the profile is to cover all subdomains. To configure separate profiles for separate domains, create the profile in the appropriate subdomain.
Configure the profile to send data when an event occurs, or at a regular schedule.
To 'send data on a schedule', be sure to define the schedule before creating the profile.
- Configure the profile with the kind of events cause it to trigger.
The following screenshot shows a range of event codes that are related to backup issues. It is suggested that these are used although you may want to refine further depending on your specific reporting requirements.
It is normal that the event code numbering is not contiguous.
- On the Email Notification screen, enter a recipient email address and add it to the Recipient Email List using the + (add) button.
- Once the profile is created, review the details on the 'Manage All Profiles' screen.
- Test whether email messages are being generated by editing the profile and selecting the 'Email Notification' tab.