ESXi maintenance mode from the vSAN perspective status varies from the one in vCenter.
- To check if ESXi has entered maintenance mode with vSAN, or is stuck, run the following command:
cmmds-tool find -t NODE_DECOM_STATE -f json
- The output should be similar to:
"uuid": "5c99d5dd-3f98-0ee0-6f75-e4434b398000",
"owner": "5c99d5dd-3f98-0ee0-6f75-e4434b398000",
"health": "Healthy",
"revision": "2546",
"flag": "2",
"minHostVersion": "0",
"md5sum": "5919c7a6c18472bea464f097b577e011",
"valueLen": "144",
"content": {"decomState": 0, "decomJobType": 0, "decomJobUuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "progress": 0, "affObjList": [ ], "errorCode": 0, "updateNum": 0, "majorVersion": 0, "auditReport": "", "numObjectsEvacuated": 0, "totalObjectstoEvacuate": 0, "bytesToSyncRemaining": 0, "totalBytesToSync": 0},
"errorStr": "(null)"
- In the output, locate the
status. Below are the known statuses for decomState
and their meanings:
decomState: 0
: This means that the node is currently not in maintenance mode.
decomState: 4
: This means that the node is currently entering maintenance mode.
decomState: 6
: This means that the node is currently in maintenance mode from a vSAN perspective.
- If the node is stuck entering or exiting maintenance mode for any reason, try the following:
- If ESXi from vCenter can enter maintenance mode (the option is available when right-clicking ESXi), try to enter and exit (or exit and enter) the maintenance mode.
- If this is unsuccessful, try to exit the vSAN maintenance mode by using the following command:
Related Resources
Here are some recommended resources related to this topic that might be of interest:
Refer to this video:
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