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IDPA: How to create and download a log bundle

Zusammenfassung: This article describes how to collect a log bundle from the ACM (Appliance Configuration Manager) of an Integrated Data Protection Appliance. This procedure is applies to any appliance with a code level greater than 2.2. ...

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Create a Log Bundle

1. Open the UI of the ACM in a browser by accessing the following URL (Substituting the bracketed value with the actual name or IP of the ACM)


2. Navigate to the upper right corner of the dashboard and select "Create log bundle" from the context menu under the log generation icon
3. Select either a single component from which to collect logs, or choose "Select All" to collect logs from all components


4. Select "OK" to generate the log bundle (A message will be displayed when this process completes)


Note: When choosing "Select All" from the component selection list, log bundle creation may take a significant amount of time.

Download a Log Bundle

1. Open the UI of the ACM in a browser by accessing the following URL (Substituting the bracketed value with the actual name or IP of the ACM)


2. Navigate to the upper right corner of the dashboard and select "Download log bundle" from the context menu under the log generation icon


Weitere Informationen

If a TSR (Hardware) log bundle has been requested, please refer to article 000021925 (Data Domain: How to gather TSR logs on PowerProtect DD3300 | DD6900 | DD9400 | DD9900 | x400 | DP4400).

Data Domain: How to gather TSR logs on PowerProtect DD3300 | DD6900 | DD9400 | DD9900 | x400 | DP4400

Please refer this video:

Betroffene Produkte

Integrated Data Protection Appliance Family


PowerProtect DP4400, PowerProtect Data Protection Software, Integrated Data Protection Appliance Family, PowerProtect Data Protection Hardware, Integrated Data Protection Appliance Software