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No Sound with DisplayPort or HDMI Video Cable Connection

Shrnutí: Resolve no sound issues when a Dell monitor is connected to a computer using the DisplayPort or HDMI cable.

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The audio playback does not work when a Dell monitor is connected to the computer using a DisplayPort or High Definition Media Interface (HDMI).


When an audio-supported video cable is being used such as a DisplayPort or HDMI cable, Windows may change the default audio playback device to the audio-supported cable assuming that another audio device is being used. The issue may occur when a laptop is coming out of sleep mode as the computer is detecting the audio-capable cable first.


Change the Playback Device configuration in the Control Panel

Note: Only one device can be set as a default playback device.

To change the default sound playback device in Windows 10

  1. Click Start, and then click Settings (gear icon).
  2. Click System.
  3. On the left menu, click Sound.
  4. Under choose your output device, select the audio device that you want to use.

The external audio device causing the issue can be disabled so that the issue does not occur again.

Dotčené produkty

Monitor Accessories, Alienware and Dell Gaming Monitors, C Series, D Series, E Series, Legacy Monitors, P Series, S Series, SE Series, UltraSharp (U) Series


UltraSharp Premier (UP) Series
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000125484
Typ článku: Solution
Poslední úprava: 03 led 2025
Verze:  10
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