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6 Messaggi


December 31st, 2021 09:00

PowerVault MD3200 : problem MPIO in windows 2019

My configuration is:

PowerVault MD3200

Dell SAS 12GBps PCI-E Dual Port in R730

two cable sas from R730 to PowerVault MD3200 (slot 0 port IN 0 and slot 1 port IN 0)

My OS is windows server 2019

I have installed last MD Storage Manager (DELL_MDSS_Consolidated_RDVD_6_5_0_1.iso) and I have created a virtual disk (27Gb) in PowerValutMD3200.

In disk management of windows I see duplicate the virtual disk (two disk 27Gb) and two disk 20Mb (lun31)

If I enable MPIO checking 'Add support for sas device' (in same window bottom 'Others' see MD32xx)  and I reboot  r730 after I see in disk management of windows one disk 27 Gb and one disk 20Mb but disk 27 Gb is readonly 

I would have expected in disk management of windows only a disk 27Gb and not in read only

What's the problem ?



2.3K Messaggi

January 3rd, 2022 02:00


I see that the MD3200 does not officially support Windows 2019, at this point I can think of a possible some incompatibility. I was going to say try the latest FW update, but as far as I can see, you are using the latest MDSM version There is an article about Windows 2019 MPIO MPIO option not in Disk Management in Windows Server 2019


I found a topic like this, maybe it will work for Windows 2019, you can check it out


Support Matrix


Let us know how it goes!

6 Messaggi

January 3rd, 2022 05:00

Hi Erman, thank you for reply.

I haven't this problem : '.. There is an article about Windows 2019 MPIO MPIO option not in Disk Management in Windows Server 2019 ..'

while the link seems interesting


I thought that R730 support windows 2019 and md3200 is attached with Dell SAS 12GBps PCI-E Dual Port in R730 follow the support MD3200 ...

However the problem is also see two disk about 20mb (lun31) in disk management of windows and in forum dell I have seen that this problem said so other users with system supported.

In these days I try other tests and configurations and then I send you my results on this thread.

Thank and excuse me for my bad English




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