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May 10th, 2021 02:00

PowerVault MD1200 cannot add disk

Hi, I have a problem with my PowerVault md 1200. I inserted a new hdd after another one failed. the disk is recognized as ugood but I can't insert it into the array. neither gives perccli nor managemet where the rebuild option does not come out for that disk but only blink, unblink and hotspare.


below the show configuration:


(base) [root@localhost ~]# perccli64 /c0 show
Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.

Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Product Name = PERC H800 Adapter
Serial Number = 0580012
SAS Address =  5842b2b007dc6c00
PCI Address = 00:46:00:00
System Time = 05/05/2021 09:37:14
Mfg. Date = 05/22/10
Controller Time = 05/05/2021 07:37:14
FW Package Build = 12.10.7-0001
BIOS Version = 3.18.00_4.09.05.00_0x0416A000
FW Version = 2.100.03-4651
Driver Name = megaraid_sas
Driver Version = 07.714.04.00-rh1
Vendor Id = 0x1000
Device Id = 0x79
SubVendor Id = 0x1028
SubDevice Id = 0x1F15
Host Interface = PCI-E
Device Interface = SAS-6G
Bus Number = 70
Device Number = 0
Function Number = 0
Drive Groups = 1


DG Arr Row EID:Slot DID Type  State BT      Size PDC  PI SED DS3  FSpace TR
 0 -   -   -        -   RAID5 Optl  N  18.188 TB dflt N  N   dflt N      N  
 0 0   -   -        -   RAID5 Optl  N  18.188 TB dflt N  N   dflt N      N  
 0 0   0   12:0     11  DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   1   12:11    9   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   2   12:2     0   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   3   12:3     27  DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   4   12:4     2   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   5   12:5     1   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   6   12:6     6   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   7   12:7     5   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   8   12:8     4   DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   9   12:9     25  DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  
 0 0   10  12:10    10  DRIVE Onln  N   1.818 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N  

DG=Disk Group Index|Arr=Array Index|Row=Row Index|EID=Enclosure Device ID
DID=Device ID|Type=Drive Type|Onln=Online|Rbld=Rebuild|Dgrd=Degraded
Pdgd=Partially degraded|Offln=Offline|BT=Background Task Active
PDC=PD Cache|PI=Protection Info|SED=Self Encrypting Drive|Frgn=Foreign
DS3=Dimmer Switch 3|dflt=Default|Msng=Missing|FSpace=Free Space Present
TR=Transport Ready

Virtual Drives = 1


DG/VD TYPE  State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC      Size Name        
0/0   RAID5 Optl  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF 18.188 TB labmedmolvd

Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|Dgrd=Degraded
Optl=Optimal|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
Consist=Consistent|R=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
FWB=Force WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
Check Consistency

Physical Drives = 12


EID:Slt DID State DG     Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model            Sp
12:0     11 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:1     28 UGood  - 1.818 TB SATA HDD N   N  512B ST2000NM0011     U  
12:2      0 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:3     27 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B WD2001FYYG       U  
12:4      2 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:5      1 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:6      6 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:7      5 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:8      4 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:9     25 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:10    10 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  
12:11     9 Onln   0 1.818 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST32000444SS     U  

EID-Enclosure Device ID|Slt-Slot No.|DID-Device ID|DG-DriveGroup
DHS-Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood-Unconfigured Good|GHS-Global Hotspare
UBad-Unconfigured Bad|Onln-Online|Offln-Offline|Intf-Interface
Med-Media Type|SED-Self Encryptive Drive|PI-Protection Info
SeSz-Sector Size|Sp-Spun|U-Up|D-Down/PowerSave|T-Transition|F-Foreign
UGUnsp-Unsupported|UGShld-UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld-Hotspare shielded
CFShld-Configured shielded|Cpybck-CopyBack|CBShld-Copyback Shielded

BBU_Info :

Model State   RetentionTime Temp Mode MfgDate    
BBU   Optimal 0 hour(s)     39C  -    2015/01/17

Thankyou so much for  answers 



2.5K Messaggi

May 11th, 2021 02:00

Hi Domirex, if I'm not missing something, it seems good to me. RAID 5 does not appear to be degraded. on the contrary, RAID 5 looks optimal and I see one with a global hot spare set. If a disk failure occurs, it will start disk rebuild, which is GHS. When I look at the FW versions, they seem to be up to date as well.

3 Messaggi

May 11th, 2021 01:00

Thankyou Erman, in realty the other array have only SAS hdd but one of the disk is Hotspare or ugood. it not possible to add in array with rebuild. it is normaly?

[root@medmol perccli]# perccli64 /c1 show
Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.

Controller = 1
Status = Success
Description = None

Product Name = PERC H800 Adapter
Serial Number = 05J008F
SAS Address = 5842b2b007dc5900
PCI Address = 00:47:00:00
System Time = 05/11/2021 09:08:50
Mfg. Date = 05/22/10
Controller Time = 05/11/2021 09:09:10
FW Package Build = 12.10.7-0001
BIOS Version = 3.18.00_4.09.05.00_0x0416A000
FW Version = 2.100.03-4651
Driver Name = megaraid_sas
Driver Version = 07.714.04.00-rh1
Vendor Id = 0x1000
Device Id = 0x79
SubVendor Id = 0x1028
SubDevice Id = 0x1F15
Host Interface = PCI-E
Device Interface = SAS-6G
Bus Number = 71
Device Number = 0
Function Number = 0
Drive Groups = 1


DG Arr Row EID:Slot DID Type State BT Size PDC PI SED DS3 FSpace TR
0 - - - - RAID5 Optl N 18.188 TB dflt N N dflt N N
0 0 - - - RAID5 Optl N 18.188 TB dflt N N dflt N N
0 0 0 38:0 35 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 1 38:1 34 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 2 38:2 26 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 3 38:11 37 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 4 38:4 28 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 5 38:5 27 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 6 38:6 32 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 7 38:7 31 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 8 38:8 30 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 9 38:9 33 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N
0 0 10 38:10 36 DRIVE Onln N 1.818 TB dflt N N dflt - N

DG=Disk Group Index|Arr=Array Index|Row=Row Index|EID=Enclosure Device ID
DID=Device ID|Type=Drive Type|Onln=Online|Rbld=Rebuild|Dgrd=Degraded
Pdgd=Partially degraded|Offln=Offline|BT=Background Task Active
PDC=PD Cache|PI=Protection Info|SED=Self Encrypting Drive|Frgn=Foreign
DS3=Dimmer Switch 3|dflt=Default|Msng=Missing|FSpace=Free Space Present
TR=Transport Ready

Virtual Drives = 1


DG/VD TYPE State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC Size Name
0/0 RAID5 Optl RW Yes RWBD - OFF 18.188 TB labmedmolvd2

Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|Dgrd=Degraded
Optl=Optimal|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
Consist=Consistent|R=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
FWB=Force WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
Check Consistency

Physical Drives = 12


EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp
38:0 35 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:1 34 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:2 26 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:3 29 GHS - 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS D
38:4 28 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:5 27 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:6 32 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:7 31 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:8 30 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:9 33 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:10 36 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U
38:11 37 Onln 0 1.818 TB SAS HDD N N 512B ST32000444SS U

EID-Enclosure Device ID|Slt-Slot No.|DID-Device ID|DG-DriveGroup
DHS-Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood-Unconfigured Good|GHS-Global Hotspare
UBad-Unconfigured Bad|Onln-Online|Offln-Offline|Intf-Interface
Med-Media Type|SED-Self Encryptive Drive|PI-Protection Info
SeSz-Sector Size|Sp-Spun|U-Up|D-Down/PowerSave|T-Transition|F-Foreign
UGUnsp-Unsupported|UGShld-UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld-Hotspare shielded
CFShld-Configured shielded|Cpybck-CopyBack|CBShld-Copyback Shielded

BBU_Info :

Model State RetentionTime Temp Mode MfgDate
BBU Optimal 0 hour(s) 40C - 2015/05/23



2.5K Messaggi

May 11th, 2021 01:00


I checked the configuration you give. I think PERC Controller configuration you are showing looks good. Actually, you can mix SAS and SATA drives in the controller, and it can handle both. You can have SAS arrays and SATA arrays in the same controller. You still cannot have SAS and SATA drives in the same array.

Dell controllers do not support mixing SAS, SATA, or SSDs together in the same array. However, they can create a Virtual Disk on the same controller individually. Consider replacing the defective drive with the same specification or another higher capacity SAS drive.


Hope this will helps!

3 Messaggi

May 11th, 2021 02:00

very thankyou. Best!!!!!!!

Nessun evento trovato!
