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6 Messaggi


September 29th, 2022 08:00

Networker Recycle Tape Automatically

Hi, I have a problem with cassette recycling. Although the backups are expired, the cassettes are not automatically made recyclable. Has anyone ever had the same problem?



3.5K Messaggi

September 30th, 2022 00:00


In order to help you, with suitable action plan please provide these details:

What is NW version, which is your OS ?
Please give us more details about the issue that may help us in understanding the problem better. What is really happening? Any error?


6 Messaggi

September 30th, 2022 02:00

hello Marco, the networker version is Build.75, and the O.S is Windows Server 2019.Actually there is no error, but it happens that when the tapes are all written and the backups are expired, the cassettes are not put into automatic recycle mode, and the tape backups stop.



3.5K Messaggi

September 30th, 2022 07:00

Is is not a known issue, our support need to investigate closely to find the reason. Did you already contact phone tech support?

My suggestion is to try to recycle manually and see if it works.

Then also did you try to re-label the tapes?


6 Messaggi

September 30th, 2022 07:00

Hi Marco, if relabel the box works but I would like to automate the procedure. it seems strange to me that if a cassette expires you have to go and change the volume or label mode manually. Support is investigating

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