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This post is more than 5 years old


June 10th, 2015 21:00

What characters and how long string can be used for cluster name ?

What characters can be used for XtremIO cluster name ?

I guess :

  • Upper alphabet, [A-Z]
  • Lower alphabet, [a-z]
  • Number, [0-9]

can be used. 

Then, some special characters, such as "-", "_", ".", also can be contained in it ?

In addition, how long string can be used for the name ?

That is, can we use the name such as "xtremio.1" or "Xtremio_02_longlong_department_xyz_factory_abc_city" ?

18 Posts

September 6th, 2019 14:00

Hello kz-sato

There is no documented limitation to the name length given to the cluster. The only item of note for where there are character limitations is passwords for authentication to the array.

472599 : XtremIO: Invalid ASCII Characters Used for Infrastructure Authentication


I tested the same characters noted in this KB when testing the rename command and it would hit error when these characters were in use.

Error message received follows.

** Error: Command Syntax Error: string property new-name contains invalid symbols

No Events found!
