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1 Rookie


14.3K Posts


July 16th, 2024 09:25

New XPS specs

As my last laptop died I was looking for new one.  My daughter is happy with Dell one I got her some time ago and now I am looking for myself. For longer time I thought of going for Precision line, but for what I needed is less for engineering work thus XPS seems to be better match.  I would run native Windows 11pro with Linux VMs (1-2) for development (rust programming, some administration tests and some tests with products like PPDM, DDVE and NetWorker by Dell).  On Windows side, I see office&Co, help authoring, web and some light photography edits (really light ones so nothing that screams GPU needed).  Idea at first was to go for Arc and be future proof with 64GB RAM (due to VMs), but I noticed that 64GB adds RTX into combo (also memory type changes as I see one with more MT/s).  I tried via support to find out with Arc card is inside specs wise, but they could not help me - anyone knows what is inside actually?  I am not big fan of getting GPU at this stage because a) I do not use it and b) they are hyped now meaning they change quite a bit from cycle to cycle (if I would have need for GPU in future, I would rather use for those needs external one).  So, currently facing dilema should I go with:

a) XPS14+Arc+1TB disk+32GB RAM+no touch screen (cheapest config)

b) XPS14+Arc+RTX+1TB disk+64GB RAM + no touch screen (medium config)

c) Same as b, but with touch screen (most expensive)

Arguments for c) are screen resolution and colors which would help with photography part (hobby when I catch time).  Anyone who was already in same or similar boat and can share their experience?

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