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1 Rookie


88 Posts


March 21st, 2023 01:00

ThinOS 8.6 – duplicate entries for all connexions


Following the change of the http server, some devices have duplicates entries for all connections.

Extra entries have a star and the custom icon is no set.

(This is basic http download of wnos.ini. No MWS involved.)

How to cleanup that ? (asking users to do a “reset to factory” would be the last resort option…).

1 Rookie


88 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 02:00

Apparently this has to do with MirrorFileServer option which is flawed :

I now set it to NO.

Reset the Wyse to factory

Start the Wyse —> It fetchs wnos.ini and <@MAC>.ini —-> OK

Stop the http server.

Restart the Wyse —> It can’t fetch ini files . BUT previous connections are there (w/ a star and no custom icons) although they shouldn’t. They can’t be deleted.

So, for some reason, some Wyses and displaying both downloaded ini files and previously cached ones…

No Events found!
