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August 10th, 2015 15:00

"Failed to add image" Error

Hardware - V90LE Thin Client
Version - V90LE.1993.1024, build 0576.1024 Windows XPE Version 5.01, Service Pack 2
Flash - 977MB
RAM - 1008MB
Sys Partion - 973MB

I picked up a WYSE V90LE and I'm trying to reimage it to clean off the configuration currently loaded. I have acquired and installed the Dell Wyse USB Imaging Tool ( I've successfully pulled the image from the V90LE, no problem so far. At least I have that image backed up. When I Use the USB Imaging Tool and try to load the new image to my USB key, I get the following error message:

"Failed to add image. Unsupported I2D content is found in file: C:\WDM Packages\9V92_S596_512\push_9V92_S596_512.rsp"

This error changes path and file name based on the image I try to load in the USB Imaging Tool.

It appears that the USB Imaging Tool won't even load the file. I've tried all of the files below.

Firmware Downloads (V90L / V90LE) - Active:
1. XPE SP3 WFR3 (753.91 MB) V6.01 B673 XPE SP3 WFR3. Release Notes 19-Jan-2010
2. XPE WFR2 (389.13 MB) V5.02 B625 XPE WFR2. Release Notes 19-Feb-2009

Firmware Downloads (V90L / V90LE) - Archive:
1. XPE SP2 WFR2 (384.59 MB) V5.02 B611 XPE SP2 19-Aug-2008
2. XPE SP2 WFR1 (397.8 MB) V4.06 B596 Windows XP Embedded SP2 WFR1 v4.06 Build 596. Release notes included. 10-Apr-2008

I've used my Windows 10 pro 64 bit laptop to configure a USB key to pull the image. I've also used Windows 7 Pro 64 and 32 bit laptops to try to create a USB to push the new firmware.

Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

1 Attachment

560 Posts

October 6th, 2015 14:00

The USB FT does not support the V90LE series. You would need an old tool that was used for the V class called WSI. Unfortunately, I do not see that that tool is available.

560 Posts

January 4th, 2016 08:00

The USBFT is designed to "Re-image" the thin clients. If you need to add an option, you need to use Wyse Device Manager for deployment, not the USBFT.

2 Posts

January 4th, 2016 15:00

That's unfortunate.  And rather weird, as the release notes of one of the updates I tried to add to the USB stick said it was deployable with USBFT.

Anyway, thanks, Roger. I appreciate the clarification.


September 2nd, 2015 11:00

Bump.  Can anyone offer some direction??

2 Posts

December 31st, 2015 11:00

I'm getting the same error when trying to add an image for C90LE7, which the tool does support.  The failure happens on the IE 11 and VNCViewer packages downloaded from the Wyse site, but not the BCB0-827 image.

Any ideas?  Anything would be appreciated.

1 Message

April 12th, 2016 12:00

Did you ever find a solution for this?

Can you use a Pendrive or other bootable image option?

Were you able to find the older version of the USB FT?


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