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June 3rd, 2015 02:00

WDM - Client Checkin at regular intervals

WDM - Client Checkin at regular intervals

Dear all ,

I am new to using WDM for managing Thin Clients . The documentation mentions several times
"client checkin " to WDM with client information like Serial No, Type and other device related information .
I am not sure what does "checkin" means here from a protocol perspective ? Is this HTTP ? SNMP ?
Wyse Proprietarty protocol ?

Alternatively , if someone has wireshark network traces that would help in figuring out this basics ?

Yours truly ,

4 Posts

June 3rd, 2015 02:00

Horarios de la tarea especificada para repetirse tanto alzado de la ejecución, que comienza en el tiempo especificado. Afecta a las ejecuciones tienen lugar en intervalos regulares, aproximadamente, separadas por el período de tiempo determinado.



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