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This post is more than 5 years old


December 16th, 2015 06:00

WDM 5.5 Updates and WebUI

We had a Dell engineer come in and set-up our WDM server and at the time he said WebUI doesn't work properly or the default URL when installed is incorrect or something. We was meant to send me the fix but I forgot to get his details and not had anything from him. So question is how do I fix WDM 5.5 WebUI so that it works? Or what is the correct URL?

At the moment I go to: -


But this just gives me a blue title bar saying "Dell Wyse Device Manager", a search box below and the rest of the screen is all white, no information.

Also the Wyse Device Manager site says WebUI is in Preview, so sure that explains why it doesn't work properly, but when is there going to be an update to WDM 5.5 so that this works?



560 Posts

January 25th, 2016 08:00


WEBUI Works, but it's currently "Preview" only, meaning that you can see what the interface looks like, but the functionality does not work. WEBUI will be available on the next major release of WDM, which I believe is 5.6, but I cannot confirm that.

January 25th, 2016 08:00

The point of my question is that it does not work for me, no interface to see or anything. What I see is not a preview, just a title bar and a search box that does not work.

March 23rd, 2016 04:00


Same issue with IE. I have the login page with Chrome. Try another Web Browser.

1 Message

October 6th, 2016 15:00

In IE Under Tools-Compatibility View Settings- Uncheck the Display Intranet  sites in Compatibility View

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