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June 1st, 2015 05:00

WDM 4.9.1 not seeing V90L clients

WDM 4.9.1 not seeing V90L clients

I installed the above version on a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual server. I have a mix of about 200 V90L, V90LE and C90LE clients. WDM is only seeing 60 of them. I have instructed my users to restart their device at the end of the work day every day. I have a V90L on my desk that won't check in but I also noted there are no V90L clients at all checked in. They all have the same DNS Server address and can ping the IP or the name of the server as well as wdmserver that I added to DNS.

It appears it is just the V90L clients that are not showing up in WDM as I know I have just over 100 of them. Is their a firmware or BIOS update needed for these clients? I sure hope not casue don't I have to do that manually? times 100!

I did figure out option tag 192 and gave it a byte value of 0x50. I added the 2 new options to my DHCP scope and restarted the service. I rebooted the client numerous times to no avail as it still does not show up in Device Manager.

In WDM I noted that under Configuration manager, Preferences that none of the options are checked under Device Manager, Discovery. It seems like they should all be checked? Also, under DHCP/TFTP the options Start DHCP Proxy is checked, Enable DHCP Options is checked, Web Services Options ID is 186 IP 192 Port, Secure Port is 190 and FQDN is 194 while defaultt boot is rapport. Does this seem right???


Thank you!!!!!

3 Posts

June 1st, 2015 05:00

I had to manually update the HAgent for each device. I had to manually build a new image with the updated HAgent version, configur a USB key to pull the image from the device, then use that USB key to image the other 99 computers!

June 1st, 2015 05:00

Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same problem.


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