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This post is more than 5 years old



June 1st, 2015 04:00

WDM 4.9.1 and manage ThinOS clients

WDM 4.9.1 and manage ThinOS clients


This is my first message to this board, and I want to learn and maybe answer some questions.

I read that WDM is not made for manage ThinOS devices. The thinOS are managed by ini files (I now manage the thinos with this kind of file and a FTP Server).

For example, is not easy manage configurations to exceptions. I mean, if all the clients connect to a broker is easy. But if some clients have different secreen resolution, different conection than the main (rdp or citrix), it´s a nightmare.

Are ther some software to easy the manage of the thinos wyse clients?

Thanks a lot.

7 Posts

June 1st, 2015 04:00

So far I have been creating different folders in FTP to handle the different configs

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