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June 2nd, 2015 09:00

Copy File from WDM Manager to Wyse Device

Copy File from WDM Manager to Wyse Device

Good Afternoon,

Currently I did push image on 200 devices using the same configuration.

I am not able to copy a sample .txt file from WMD to a Wyse Device.
I am trying this to update the .ini file for time syncronization on the device.

Following steps were done:
1) Created a .rsp file using Script Builder.
2) SF " \test.txt" "C:\TEST"
I saved the .rsp file on WDM server: C:\TeranetPackages

Following are created the folder:
Khaja-TestingCopyFile.rsp (File)
Khaja-TestingCopyFile (Folder)

In Khaja-TestingCopyFile (Folder) I copied the test.txt file.

3) I did register the .rsp file on the WDM Manager in Other Packages category.
4) I did go the following location to check the


2 files CRC and test.txt files are there

5) I did Right Click and View Package Properties:

Category=Other Packages
; Date: 4/13/2011

SF " \test.txt" "C:\TEST"

6) Clicked on Device Manager
7) Right clicket Selected the device
8) Selected the Package Distribution Wizard for pushing the package.
9) I did check the Schedules and I saw that the schedule had task and then it disappeared after completing.

10) After following the above steps test.txt file should be there on the Device

I don't know what I am missing because of which the file is not getting copied.

Please, do help me in this regard.

Thanks in Advance..


June 2nd, 2015 09:00

The Devices have Windows Embedded Standard OS

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