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This post is more than 5 years old


August 25th, 2015 12:00

Cannot see any images when using Package Distribution Wizard on thin client

I have WDM 5.0 MR2 installed.  There is one D90D7 I pulled out of my production environment that I am wanting to reimage with a new image I pulled from another D90D7 in my environment.  If I select the D90 I want to reimage and go to the package distribution wizard, I can see all my Agent Upgrade, Device Configuration, and Other Packages items, but I can see none of my Images.  There should be 3 to select from. but the folder appears blank to this device.  I though perhaps it was a problem with the HAgent, so I remotely upgraded it to, but it made no difference.  Why would this be happening?  What can I do to fix this?

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