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This post is more than 5 years old


December 8th, 2008 10:00

Windows Xp product Key Invalid???

Got another Dell Laptop here I'm working on. Customer bought a new laptop so she wanted her old one wiped clean so she could sell it. No issues, I've done so Many Window's OS installs it's not funny. She doesn't have any of the OEM recovery discs, but that's not the issue since the COA with product key  is on the bottom of the laptop.

The issue I'm having is, Windows OS installation thinks this Product Key is invalid. Never run into any case like this with a legit COA coming up as invalid. It's a refurbished laptop if that has anything to do with it. It had current updates on it when she gave it to me so obviously it was a legit copy of Windows or WGA wouldn't let it update.

So is there any reason why this COA on the bottom of this Latitude C640 isn't legit? Like I've said I've done numerous OS installs, and for the XP disc to think the Product Key is invalid, there must be something wrong with the COA. I've double checked and had others check the product key and they write down the same 25 characters as I'm seeing. Thanks



2.2K Posts

December 8th, 2008 10:00

Reinstall using a Dell Reinstall disk with the proper OS. Since she does not have one, you can use any Dell reinstall disk with the correct OS.

When done that way, it will not ask for a COA.

The registered owner can request a set of backup cd's here to get the OS disk.

December 8th, 2008 10:00



I've had this happen several times, and for no rhyme or reason. I just use another key that I know works and register via phone with MS under the guise of a hardware change, and leave it at that; MS is dropping support anyways, so it really doesn't matter.


My understanding is that you have to have one little variance in the XPinstall to get this error.


Rick Sheeley

6 Posts

December 8th, 2008 11:00

Using any Dell Win XP CD, it will never ask you for a serial number as it takes it from somewhere in the BIOS. Using a "generic" CD will ask you - but unsure why it doesn't accept the number. Microsoft has internally updated the Win XP installation between integrated SP2 & SP3 CDs a few times because they were running out of serial numbers. Unsure if related.

You must use the same CD as the license. that is, Win XP Home Retail is different than Win XP Home OEM [never mind the upgrade editions].

Who knows if the Win XP prior to wiping was using the serial number on the sticker. I had a "client" with a valid OEM sticker but got a message that Win XP SP2 couldn't install. Turns out the Win XP copy was pirated even though the OEM number was legit!

Call Microsoft may or may not work as it was purchased from Dell. MS can help in activation troubles. Best bet is to get a Dell CD [it would I think be legal to copy it].

Issues arise if hardware has changed quite a bit AFTER you install Win XP. Each major component {HD, video, audio, etc.] is considered a point [I think NICs are two]. After hitting three points or three changes, you need to reactivate. I doubt if this is related.





10 Posts

December 8th, 2008 14:00

Thanks for the quick replies guys. I might have to grap a OEM dell recovery disc if I can find around lying around. My work might have one since most of our products are Dell.


I used Windows XP Pro SP2 for the install. Perhaps as mentioned could be issue. I have a plain jane copy of Windows XP Pro here, might have to try that. It infact did come with XP Pro on it too.

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