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October 9th, 2021 18:00

Windows 10 news feed, how to remove?

I have a new Dell XPS desktop.  Win 10.  There is a window running on the taskbar.  It has news feed links, weather etc.  Is this because of Win 10?  How would I get rid of or disable this from running?  

9 Legend


47K Posts

October 10th, 2021 07:00



Please press the blue Accept as Solution button below if this post answers your question.

This is new and annoying.  Its in the taskbar but the settings for it are hidden.

You need to turn the news feed off and turn off the auto launch news feed if you hover over it. So thats 2 things checked.

Right Click on the news feed button in the task bar. then click the news and interests context menu then click the open on hover checkbox OFF.

It will close and you have to right click the news ICON again then click turn off on the same context menu (NEWS AND INTERESTS) where it 's checked Show Icon and Text.  Click the 3rd item down it says TURN OFF.  Don't turn off first because it will auto launch again on hover if you do not uncheck that first.

NEWS Nonsense.png


7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

October 9th, 2021 18:00

This web page has more information on the window as well as how to disable it.

1 Rookie


513 Posts

October 10th, 2021 05:00



Right click taskbar. Go to News and Interest. choose "turn off" 

Turn Off News.jpg


"Is this because of Win 10?  How would I get rid of or disable this from running?  "


No it is just another one of Microsoft's dumb ideas. It was put there by an update"

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