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April 4th, 2013 03:00

Problem Installing windows 7 (ACPI COMPLIANT error)

Hi guys. Recently bought a Dell Inspiron N5110. It had windows 7 32-bit installed and I wanted to upgrade to windows 7 64-bit, so I installed it and on the first startup after the whole installation is complete, it flashed a BSOD and restarted, this time it gave me an option to go into recovery mode (or something of the sort) and when I chose that, it again gave me a BSOD with the error that my BIOS is not fully ACPI Compliant. Then i tried to install 7 32 bit instead but that didn't work either. So I installed xp, it installed rather easily but I can't find it;s drivers.

Here are the solutions I've tried

Updated to the latest BIOS

Tried Changing a certain option in BIOS from AHCI to ATA

Read in a forum that removing the battery and draining out the power helps (It didn't)

Someone said they pulled out their 1GB Ram stick and it worked (It didn't)

Someone said installing windows from USB might HELp (It didn't)

So yeah I am completely exhausted have been trying for two days now but can't do anything.

I did however read somewhere that by trying a different CD of WIndows 7 it worked, haven't tried that yet. Should I? Any chance of that working?
Or Should I try Windows 8 instead?

Guys all kinds of input would be appreciated.

9 Legend


16K Posts

April 4th, 2013 10:00

Does the Windows 8 Enterprise trial give the same error? Have you tried a Windows 7 .iso from Digital River?

Was R292225 (extracted f6flpy-x64) the SATA drivers you attempted to use?


Also have you tried installing from USB opposed to a DVD?


140 Posts

October 7th, 2015 02:00


Sadly it's not possible, at least via my research on the matter over the course of several months. I ended up returning my 3147 because I refused to use Win 8, and kept my older 3137 which runs Win 7.  We're going to see more and more of this lack of "Legacy OS" support. 

9 Legend


16K Posts

April 4th, 2013 05:00

See my Windows Reinstallation Guide and Related Wikies/A Clean Install of Windows 7 and use a Digital River .iso which includes Service Pack 1:

Change the SATA operation back to AHCI. You should load the SATA Drivers during the Windows 7 Setup. Explained in Step 6 and Step 8.

Using Windows 7 media which contains Service Pack 1 might help so the Digital River .isos listed in the guide could help.



5 Posts

April 4th, 2013 08:00

Well buddy tried loading SATA drivers but am encountering the same problem still. Anyone else has any idea????

9 Legend


16K Posts

April 4th, 2013 08:00

Forgot to mention have you also tried setting your BIOS settings to default?

There is a similar thread here with a similar problem:

As you have managed to get an XP installed, use it to update your BIOS to A11 if its not already at A11 

After the BIOS is updated reattempt the install.

5 Posts

April 4th, 2013 09:00

Yes buddy i did update bios to a11 through xp. And i restored it's settings to default as well :-/

5 Posts

April 4th, 2013 14:00

Well buddy trying another windows setup cd did the trick and am running 7 64 bit. Thank you so much for your help

9 Legend


16K Posts

April 4th, 2013 19:00

Great glad to hear that you have your machine back up and running. :)

140 Posts

December 14th, 2014 13:00

I'm having the same issue here... My .iso image (on USB) works on other systems but not my new Inspiron 11 3147... i've tried the usual BIOS setting changes (secure boot OFF & UEFI to Legacy OS)... also tried the AHCI -> ATA change with no luck. BIOS is the latest, A3, for this model. I've tried formatting the hard drive before installing... no luck... Are there any other suggestions?  I've never heard of having to install SATA drivers during Win 7 installation. (Plus, in my case I get the BSOD/error before I even get to the option to display hard drives -- it's right after "Loading files")

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 14th, 2014 13:00

Have you disabled USB 3.0 functionality. The Windows 7 installer has no support for USB 3.0 and these must be disabled until Windows is installed.

140 Posts

December 14th, 2014 14:00

There is not an option to disable 3.0. There's an option to disable "Power share" but don't think that'd affect it. Also, I was sure to use one of the USB 2.0 ports for the install image

2 Posts

October 7th, 2015 01:00

Wonder if anyone had successfully installed Windows 7 on Inspiron 3147? I have had same experience as most. I get the error that my bios is not fully acpi compliant just after the Starting Windows animation/splash screen. Using bios A07.  Trying to install Windows 7 Pro. If you know any tricks not yet suggested, I'd sure like to hear them. Thanks!

1 Message

September 30th, 2018 15:00

It helped me to install win7 on dell 3551: I had just setup 'ignore AC adapter warnings' in BIOS setup. That wasn't my laptop, my friends asked me to help.
I also updated the BIOS to latest version available on dell site, but it didn't matter in my case.
Install of both versions (32 bit/64 bit) was OK.


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