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September 6th, 2022 23:00

Memory issue

I am using a Dell Inspiron 5408  laptop and facing high RAM usage of 5.3 GB out of 8 GB as soon as I turn on the system.
The background process takes lots of memory.

Please check the Screenshots.


Screenshot (68).pngScreenshot (67).png

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

September 7th, 2022 10:00

1. I don't see anything unusual. Antimalware is part of Windows Security, updating definitions and scanning for malware. It's normal that it will be quite active for a time after boot.

2. Unused RAM is wasted RAM. You want the RAM to be used, as that will help your computer's performance. RAM that is sitting there unused doesn't help anything. Windows will manage when it needs to unload items from RAM to accommodate more urgent processes.

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