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This post is more than 5 years old


April 24th, 2004 17:00

International Keyboard Layout

Okay, it's my turn to ask one.

I set up a new Dimension 4600 with Office 2003 this morning for a new customer and she does a lot of translation in Brazilian Portugese.  I searched thru every resource I could find on how to map the kep to automatically use the built in keys to type in Portugese.  I went thru the Regional Language Settings and added the Keyboard layout for this language, but it still requires you to go thru the Right ALT + Key Shift routines and she swears that she could just type away before with Word 97.

Does anyone have a clue how to do this?  This made a bad DSL modem look like childs play.

As Always, thanks in advance to the Community.


4 Operator


20.1K Posts

April 24th, 2004 18:00

You install multiple languages in Office itself using Office Tools. Word's Help explains:

Enable editing of multiple languages  
In Microsoft Windows, click Start, point to Programs or All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings.
Click the Enabled Languages tab.
In the Available languages box, select the language you want to enable.
Click Add.
If any Microsoft Office programs are running, the Language Settings tool notifies you and automatically closes the programs. The features for the language you enabled appear the next time you start an Office program.

Note  If you do not see the language you want, or if you see (limited support) next to a language in the Available languages box, you may need to install additional system support for the language

You can set it for automatic by using Tools, Language on the menu in Word--although I think it's set to auto by default.

Message Edited by Mary G on 04-24-2004 03:49 PM

12K Posts

April 24th, 2004 20:00

That much I did, but it still did not chnage the keyboard layout or get me away from the ALT + Shift sequence.

12K Posts

April 24th, 2004 22:00

I have one perisitent customer.  Some how she got in touch with Dell Support today and they resolved the issue and all is well.  As soon a I know the fix, I will post back.  Thx Mary.


Who says Dell has crummy support!  That's why I have installed about 15 residential systems in the last 6 months...Dell stands behind what they sell.!

4.4K Posts

April 24th, 2004 22:00

You could also use the virtual on screen keyboard in XP. Use the language bar to select the language you want it to show. Advantage is that the keys show the characters in the chosen language, so you don't need to overlay your keyboard orremember where characters are.

12K Posts

April 30th, 2004 13:00

I promised to post the resolution to this issue when I found out and here it is.

Most everyone is correct, and was I, about going into the Regioanl Settings applet in the Control Panel and adding the secnd language, andin the case Porugese.  The key is to make that language use the Us International Keyboard and not the default Portugese keyboard.  When you make the second language use the Us-Int keyboard, it is not necessary to sue the ALT + SHIFT method to make the special accent characters.

Thank goodness that has been resolved.

4.4K Posts

April 30th, 2004 22:00

How do you do make the second language use a different keyboard to its own?

12K Posts

April 30th, 2004 23:00

I only know it works!  Instead of typing the ALT+' (apostrophe) to make the c (with the line to the left side..kinda a backwrds Q, you just hit the ' + c.

The big advantage is that the ? is now freee to use and not mapped to another language set.  I fought with this thing for three days to make it work and it is really hard to explain...just one of those things you gotta see.

19 Posts

February 11th, 2005 12:00

How do you activate the virtual on screen keyboard please?
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