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This post is more than 5 years old



September 16th, 2006 17:00

Error code

Went into the dell 32-bit dignostics and performed a test which generated following code:
error code 0FOO:136C
Message was IDE device failed. Blank media or no media is present in optical device, require media in digital data.
Not to sure what to make of it or how to resolve it, any ideas guys please?
Before doing the above did a dell crash analysis with following result:
Driver - tfsnifs.sys
Manufacturer - TFS technology
Version - 1.04.08a
Which i believe is to do with Sonic DVD that came with my Dell, any ideas if both problems are related
Many Thanks

10 Elder


43.9K Posts

September 17th, 2006 01:00

error code 0FOO:136C
Message was IDE device failed. Blank media or no media is present in optical device, require media in digital data.

Was there a disk in the optical drive(s). If not, you'd get that error message. In order to test the optical drive it must have a CD with data on it and the drawer closed. If a (non-blank) disk was in the drawer, then you need to look in Device Manager to see if it's still recognizing the optical drive.


Message Edited by RoHe on 09-16-2006 07:15 PM

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