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June 25th, 2011 14:00

Dell Inspiron 530 BIOS splash screen stuck

Today, I have turned on my 3 year old Dell Inspiron 530, used it for a few minutes, then it blue screened on me. After that, the computer woudn't go past the Bios. i unplugged everything on my computer, and it turned on. I ran the windows startup repair option, and it restored my computer back in time when it was working. It worked for a few more minutes, then it blue screened again. I tried whatever i did last time, now it is just stuck at the Bios splash screen. I have windows 7 home premium service pack 1. How can i fix this?

March 25th, 2012 20:00

Reseat your memory.  Had this problem this morning.  Computer wouldn't boot pass the Dell splash screen and F keys were not responsive.  Reseated the memory and everything was fine after that.  Follow this link to instructions (  Don't forget to unplug your computer and discharge static electricity on the chassis first!

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3.7K Posts

June 25th, 2011 15:00

Today, I have turned on my 3 year old Dell Inspiron 530, used it for a few minutes, then it blue screened on me. After that, the computer woudn't go past the Bios. i unplugged everything on my computer, and it turned on. I ran the windows startup repair option, and it restored my computer back in time when it was working. It worked for a few more minutes, then it blue screened again. I tried whatever i did last time, now it is just stuck at the Bios splash screen. I have windows 7 home premium service pack 1. How can i fix this?

Have you any lights coming from your system. If yes, then have a look at this HERE.

June 25th, 2011 16:00

My computer turns on like normal, it just doesnt go past the BIOS.

1 Message

April 6th, 2012 05:00

This happened to my Inspiron 530 a few days ago. It's 6 years old with almost everything new except the motherboard and processor. Isolating the board didn't help, and neither did reseating the memory. I thought the board was fried, but then I tried removing the CMOS battery. For some reason, this solved the problem and it's been fine ever since. I'm still not sure resetting the CMOS had anything to do with a BIOS hang, but it worked for me.

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