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This post is more than 5 years old


January 31st, 2005 16:00

Can not play sounds in MSN Messenger 6.2, but can in AOL IM and Yahoo IM?

No big problem but annoying none the less.
I have MSN IM 6.2, AOL IM and Yahoo IM.  I receive all "alert sounds" from AOL and Yahoo, but not from MSN.  I have all boxes for MSN Messenger checked under MSN Options and Sound and Audio Properties under Windows Control Panel. 
But here is the kicker, when my husband signs into Windows under his login, goes online and signs into MSN messenger 6.2, he can receive the sounds. My Windows login is the primary and his is the seconday.  It seems like he has some setting enabled and I don't or I have one blocked. 
This problem I believe has occured since I bought my computer a few years ago.  I don't use the MSN Messenger Video or Audio, just concerned about receiving sound Alerts to email in inbox and when sent an instant messenger.
Here's a few stats on my system.
Dell Dimension 4400
Windows XP
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
MSN Messenger 6.2
Does anyone know what makes this problem occur?
Thanks StephJ
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