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November 10th, 2021 01:00

Area-51 R4, Windows 11 upgrade, TPM

Hi guys,

I'm trying to upgrade my Area-51 R4 from Windows 10 to 11 but I'm currently stucked with the TPM 2.0 issue. PC health is saying that my TPM module is not detected =


I ran into the BIOS and found the TPM but it's grayed out, I can do nothing with it =


Any advise?


2 Posts

November 10th, 2021 10:00

Ok I read the comment from here and it fixed the problem!

The reason that option is grayed out because you have legacy OPROM is enable. Enable "Secure Boot Control" under Boot section - which will then disable "Load Legacy OPROM" and then it will allow you to Enable "Firmware TPM".

Capture d’écran 2021-11-10 194319.png

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