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This post is more than 5 years old


December 6th, 2006 17:00

Anyone using ReadyBoost with an SD card?

I see that ReadyBoost is able to utilize some select SD cards, though no list of compatible cards is available that I can see. Has anyone gotten it working with an SD card and the card reader on their Dell notebook?
I tried a couple of cards that I had lying around, but am always told that they're too slow for ReadyBoost. (Unsurprising since they're older/basic cards.)  The card reader on my M140 would be a perfect spot for a permanent ReadyBoost card if I could buy one that I knew would be compatible.
Anyone know of one?

64 Posts

December 6th, 2006 20:00

The problem I'm having is that there just doesn't seem to exist any list of compatible cards, and too many cards  (or USB keys) that allegedly meet the stated requirements fail to work according to many of the forums that I read. That's why I'm hoping someone has actually gotten a specific brand/model of card to work so I can purchase with confidence. Probably next year we'll start seeing them marketed as "ReadyBoost Compatible" but it seems a crapshoot now.
It's probably easier to find a compatible USB key, but that seems sort of clunky hanging off the side of the notebook, and you'd have to remove it and stick it back in all the time. An SD card permanently in the card reader would be ideal. Unfortunately, I've yet to run acroos any posts from anyone who can verify an actualy working card.

517 Posts

December 6th, 2006 20:00

FWIW, I could not get ReadyBoost to work with an xD card, but I assumed the one I was using was too small MB-wise. No problem with a 1GB USB drive though.
Interestingly, ReadyBoost would not work with a 4GB USB mini-hard drive. It's designed to work with quicker flask RAM.

Message Edited by jmfmvps on 12-06-200605:50 PM

517 Posts

December 6th, 2006 21:00

I know what you mean. My USB key inserts on the right side of my laptop, but since i use a laptop desk (, it does not really get in the way.

Message Edited by jmfmvps on 12-06-200606:04 PM

108 Posts

December 7th, 2006 16:00

Im using an SD card with readyboost.  You have to get one that is fast enough or readyboost wont enable.

December 7th, 2006 16:00

I'm using a 4GB OCZ 150x SD card for ReadyBoost.  The faster the better.

18 Posts

December 8th, 2006 21:00

I gave this a test so I could share and both of my SD cards worked without any problems.
Card 1: 1GB SanDisk SD Card that came with my Canon still camera.
Card 2: 1GB Kodak SD Card I picked up from Walmart just over a year ago.

Message Edited by jmstacey2005 on 12-08-200605:56 PM

64 Posts

December 8th, 2006 22:00

Is it just the regular SanDisk card, the blue one? I tried one of those (1GB) and also a PNY 2 GB card and neither worked. I also tried a SanDisk Cruzer Micro that other folks have reportedly had luck with and that wouldn't work either. Makes me wonder if the notebook itself (M140) is the limiting factor here and not the cards or USB keys.

18 Posts

December 9th, 2006 01:00

Yes, it's the standard blue one.
Here's a picture of exactly what mine looks like that I found on google:

Message Edited by jmstacey2005 on 12-08-200609:05 PM

64 Posts

December 9th, 2006 13:00

Yep, that's the same one that I tried. I actually have two of those here. One bought a few months ago, and one bough just last month for my wife's Camera. No go on either.
Just curious, what system did you try it in? Mine is an M140 using the built-in Ricoh card reader.
To be honest, it probably wouldn't help me that much anyway since all I use my notebook for really is Internet access, PokerStars (play money), and watching streaming TV. Not like I'm editing huge image files on the thing. ;-)

18 Posts

December 9th, 2006 17:00

It's on a 1 month old e1705 with a Ricoh R5C832 reader.
Hope that helps.  :smileyhappy:

1 Message

June 5th, 2007 23:00

I just bought an Inspiron 1501 with a built in media reader for SD card but have tried two different cards and they don't work, but work on my desktop.
I have had success with my laptop using Readyboost with 2 different usb external card readers, and both cards work just fine. 
I wish the built in card reader would work with Readyboost.
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