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January 16th, 2019 14:00

Vostro 460, upgrades, video card, PSU?

Hey, so I've had a Dell Vostro 460 for a good while now. It's been great for me so far and had no issues with it whatsoever. It's currently housing a GTX 1050 inside it right now but i'm looking for more performance without upgrading any other main components or the whole system other than the GPU and Power Supply.

I'm not too keen on upgrading it to the 1050 Ti because of the minor performance benefits for the costs and I'd like to upgrade it to something around the performance of a GTX 1060 or more the RX 570. It's why i'm also looking to upgrade the Power Supply also, so I can house a more powerful GPU.

However, I've been looking around to make sure if either cards would work in the system and I can't seem to find a definite answer with some people claiming yes and others no. I've looked on sites like UserBenchmark which seem to show Vostro 460's (with the same motherboard model as mine (0Y2MRG)) running with GTX 1070s + fine and other websites claiming that it won't work because the motherboard BIOS is old.


So if anyone has the answer, I'd greatly appreciate any replies I get back.

Would my Vostro 460 (with a new and more capable Power Supply) be able to handle something like a GTX 1060 or RX 570 or should I just hold off upgrading the GPU?

9 Legend


12.3K Posts

January 18th, 2019 06:00

This is one of those times you have to balance upgrades and cost with the age of the system. This is a 9 year old system that has worked well for you but is getting long in the tooth. Consider putting the money toward a new system with a more powerful PSU and GPU. Not to mention a much faster CPU.

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